Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Don'ts For Summer 2009 !!

Welcome. Welcome. Welcome ! You could have been anywhere on the internet but you chose to waste your time with me. Summer is upon us and as a Public Service announcement we here at LaMar's World want you to go out into the streets of the DMV empowered with the knowledge of the proper dress code. So please, please, please be aware of what you're wrap'n around your body. For the "Big & Sexy" movement, as I whole I love it. It's nothing more beautiful than a woman that's confident in the skin she's in. No matter what size but there's a fine line. If you are over 225lbs, and you borrow your skinny friends dress, nothing good can come from it. Below are a list of things to stay away from..... 1. Spandex, need we explain 2. Purple ( Barney ) 3. Bright colors, it's just too much 4. Anything with holes that allow back, side, or front fat to poke through. This is an interactive site, feel free to send in your Don'ts

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