Man down, Pimp in distress. Code 10 situation.If you see these 3 white women, RUN !! A Wisconsin man paid the ultimate price when the 3 women he was sleeping with caught up with him. Damn shame what they did with the Krazy Glue
A cheating husband became the victim of a fitting revenge when three women he had been sleeping with super-glued his genitals to his stomach.
The Wisconsin man’s wife allegedly choreographed the attack after she discovered he had been cheating with as many as five other women, the Daily Mail reports.
She told three of the women they had all been sleeping with the same man, and together they decided to take action.
While the man's wife stayed behind, three of the women lured the married father to a motel in Chilton, Wisconsin with the promise of a massage.
Police say the man voluntarily allowed himself to be tied him to a bed before his underpants were cut with scissors.
The women reportedly taunted him as they glued his genitals to his stomach.
Police in the US state arrested the three women, but are still searching for the man’s wife who disappeared after the assault.
Police in the US state arrested the three women, but are still searching for the man’s wife who disappeared after the assault.
The man is currently recovering in hospital.
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