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LaMar's World is the site consisting of the thoughts and opinion's of Derik LaMar. You'll find celebrity gossip, rumors, lies (just kidding), interviews, and our fav, pics of people looking a damn fool. LaMar says the things that you're thinking, but afraid to say out loud. So sit back, relax, and waste your time.You'll be glad you did. We're glad you did. Please feel free to give us your thoughts, feedback, and criticisms. We don't care, but they're fun to read anyway. Enjoy !
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That is absolutely without a doubt insanity!!! They don't speak on any recourse of what happened to the officer as a disciplinary action. Was one taken? Where's the Rainbow coalition? Where is Al Sharpton or the community to stand up for this child? Moving him to another school is fine, but we want all people to know they aren't above the law, even if it's your job to enforce it.