The Devil is alive, and doing interviews ! How could you really justify saying some ish like this ?! The sad part about it ism he has a full congregation being him feeling the same way. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Baptist Minister (and former second vice president of the Souther Baptist Convention) Wiley Drake reportedly said that he is offering an “imprecatory prayer” for the death of President Obama.
Drake reportedly said on June 2 on “The Alan Colmes Show” that, unless Obama repents, he is praying for God to kill him — referencing the killing of Dr. George Tiller as an example of such divine retribution. Drake has his own program, “The Wiley Drake Show” on Crusade Radio, where he has been holding forth on Tiller’s murder. With Colmes, Drake said “I’ve been a Baptist pastor for a long time, been in the pro-life fight, been face-to-face with Tiller, told him about Jesus, and I’ve seen many, many others tell him about Jesus over and over and over again. And I’ve seen horrific things that go on in those death abortuaries — and that’s what they are — and so my initial response to those people, they said, ‘Well what was your response,’ and I said, ‘Well, in all honesty I have to just respond directly and say I am glad that he’s dead.’”
Drake reportedly said on June 2 on “The Alan Colmes Show” that, unless Obama repents, he is praying for God to kill him — referencing the killing of Dr. George Tiller as an example of such divine retribution. Drake has his own program, “The Wiley Drake Show” on Crusade Radio, where he has been holding forth on Tiller’s murder. With Colmes, Drake said “I’ve been a Baptist pastor for a long time, been in the pro-life fight, been face-to-face with Tiller, told him about Jesus, and I’ve seen many, many others tell him about Jesus over and over and over again. And I’ve seen horrific things that go on in those death abortuaries — and that’s what they are — and so my initial response to those people, they said, ‘Well what was your response,’ and I said, ‘Well, in all honesty I have to just respond directly and say I am glad that he’s dead.’”
Drake repeated the view that Obama (who he refers to as “B. Hussein Obama”) is not an American-born citizen and called him a “usurper.” Drake was praised in extremist websites after he filed to block Obama from taking the oath of office. He also said that Rev. Rick Warren would be punished by God for offering a prayer at the inauguration.
An “imprecatory prayer” is usually a reference to Psalm 35 where David calls upon the Lord to kill his enemies. There are a variety of imprecatory psalms containing curses or prayers for the punishment and death for one’s enemies. Psalms 7, 35, 55, 58, 59, 69, 79, 109, 137 and 139.
Drake is a big believer in death-dealing prayers . . . and he is not afraid to use them. Previously, he called for the use of imprecatory prayers against a religious watchdog group. He was upset over an IRS investigation. On August 14th he wrote:
In light of the recent attack from the enemies of God I ask the children of God to go into action with Imprecatory Prayer. Especially against Americans United for Separation of Church and State. I made an attempt to go to them via Matt 18:15 but they refused to talk to me. Specifically target Joe Conn or Jeremy Learing. They are those who lead the attack. (You can see their press release attack at www.au.org )
Imprecatory prayer, is now our duty
Now that all efforts have been exhausted, we must begin our Imprecatory Prayer, at the key points of the parliamentary role in the earth where we live.
John Calvin gave the church its marching orders from Scripture. The righteous have dominion, but only through imprecatory prayer against the ungodly.
David as our Old Testament shepherd gives us many Imprecatory prayers, and can be found to be in best focus in Psalm 109. Also chapters 55, 58, 68, 69, and 83
Pray these back to God and He will answer.
Jesus in Matthew 23: 13, 15, 16, 23, 24, 27, and 29 gave us our New Testament marching orders as well.
Let us join Paul and declare anathema upon anyone” who loves not the Lord Jesus.” I Cor 16:22
Church father Martin Luther, led us by saying…”If any of the enemies of God’s people belong to God’s election, the church’s prayer against them giveth way to their conversion, and seeketh no more than that the judgment should follow them, only until they acknowledge their sin, turn, and seek God.”
During his interview with Colmes, he was asked directly about his death-dealing prayer for the president:
“Are you praying for his death?” Colmes asked.
“Yes,” Drake replied.
“So you’re praying for the death of the president of the United States?”
Colmes then asks him if he is worried that the Secret Service might come knocking and Drake insists that this is his right. That is the only thing upon which I agree with Drake. As I discussed on this segment of Rachel Maddow Show, such violent speech (and prayers) are protected under the Constitution. You are allowed to make hateful prayers for the death of a president.
From: Jonathan Turley
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