What is the world coming to ? I mean, it's already there, where ever that is. Have you ever accidently bumped into someone on the street ? We all have, but these two didn't keep it moving like most of due. The guy to your left killed the guy that bumped him.
According to the New York Post, 28-year-old Army veteran Sirmone McCaulla had just exited a bus from New Jersey and was walking down Eighth Avenue in New York when he happened to bump shoulders with 20-year-old Christopher Gutierrez.
Surveillance cameras captured the incident as it escalated, police said. Gutierrez and McCaulla exchanged words, then Gutierrez is said to have taken off his jacket and assumed a fighting posture.
Moments later, McCaulla produced a knife and stabbed Gutierrez, who collapsed on the steps of a post office, the Post reported.
McCaulla fled the scene but was later tracked to Philadelphia, where he was found to have committed suicide, the Post said, having electrocuted himself in a bathtub by hugging a cable television box.
"This is the way I’m goin out rather go out in the hands of myself than another man sad to say," McCaulla wrote in a suicide note he posted on MySpace before taking his own life.
In it, McCaulla laments how his life turned out: "I tried my best to be the best father I can be but it still seemed to go wrong I couldn’t even win at losing."
And he wrote that he wasn't looking for a fight.
"I had just got off the bus from new jersey didn't have a worry," McCaulla wrote. "Was just tryin to make it home to see my daughter..." McCaulla went on to say that he "didn't mean to kill" Gutierrez.
From: New York Post
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