This is out of hand. Faux News was reporting Kanye was allegedly killed in a car crash early this morning. They are really going in on him extra hard for that Taylor Swift incident. Peep the story below for the story.
Kanye West Is Not Dead! However, “RIP Kanye West” has managed to become a top trending topic tonight on twitter after rumors circulated that he was killed in a car accident in LA earlier today.
According to the fake story, he was in a car crash involving two luxury vehicles. An LAPD officer “reportedly” witnessed the wreck and saw a red Ferrari and a white Porsche “spinning out of control.
The Ferrari (driven by West) hit the curb and then collided with a pole while the Porsche sped away.” Two people were supposedly arrested and detained by police.
Who comes up with these elaborate stories. His girlfriend Amber Rose thinks that the trending topic has gone a bit too far. She writes:
This RIP KanyeWest topic is not funny and its NOT TRUE! He has people like myself and his family that love him very much. Its in extreme poor taste to have that as a trending topic. It’s totally disrespectful to make up a story like this. We are all human and we all make mistakes and to say someone died cuz of a mistake is ridiculous. U wouldn’t want someone to say that about u. Or someone u love it’s not funny.
From: GG
balloon boys, dead celbrities... all lies!