Are you ready for an all Stockton, and Byrd basketball league, with the short shorts ? It's coming to a redneck town near you. Peep the story below.........
The All-American Basketball League announced in a news release it hopes to kick off its inaugural season this summer, according to a report in the Augusta Chronicle, with a 12-team lineup composed of all-white, American-born men."
Only players that are natural-born United States citizens with both parents of Caucasian race are eligible to play in the league," the statement, issued on Martin Luther King weekend, reportedly read.
Don "Moose" Lewis, described as a Georgia-based boxing and wrestling promoter in a report on BET.com denied racism was behind his move to create the segregated hoops league."There’s nothing hatred about what we’re doing," he told the Augusta Chronicle.
"I don’t hate anyone of color. But people of white American-born citizens [sic] are in the minority now.
Here’s a league for white players to play fundamental basketball, which they like."Lewis told the paper he defines "fundamental basketball" as different from the "street-ball" played by "people of color," and claimed recent scandals in professional basketball -- such as the gun charges dogging the Wizards' Gilbert Arenas -- have made the creation of all-white teams a necessity.
"Would you want to go to the game and worry about a player flipping you off or attacking you in the stands or grabbing their crotch?" he told the paper. "That’s the culture today, and in a free country we should have the right to move ourselves in a better direction.
"The proposal was swiftly condemned by the mayor of Augusta, one of the 12 Southeastern cities the league is eyeing."I could not support in good conscience bringing in a team that did not fit with the spirit of inclusiveness that I, along with many others, have worked so hard to foster in our city,"
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