LaMar's World is the site consisting of the thoughts and opinion's of Derik LaMar. You'll find celebrity gossip, rumors, lies (just kidding), interviews, and our fav, pics of people looking a damn fool. LaMar says the things that you're thinking, but afraid to say out loud. So sit back, relax, and waste your time.You'll be glad you did. We're glad you did. Please feel free to give us your thoughts, feedback, and criticisms. We don't care, but they're fun to read anyway. Enjoy !
Monday, November 30, 2009
Wedding Day Beat Down !
Russian Wedding Fight - The funniest videos are a click away
I don't speak Russian, but I speak ass whoop'n ! Whatever caused this must have been real serious. They're going to lose a grip n those Tux rentals too. Damn shame
He Treated Him Like A King,
Friday, November 27, 2009
Wifey & I Get'n It In !
Get'n our grown up party on at Policy. Felles, take your ladies out & show them a good time.
LaMar's World Mobile
LaMar's World Mobile
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Praise'n Him Real Hard
You know they're gonna take about Sister Mabel like a dog for this. You gotta put that extra pin in that wig for situations like this
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
** New Sade Coming 2010 ** I Can't Wait
Are We Really Surprised ? Day 26 Leave Bad Boy Records

No we're not, but I'm not mad at Diddy. Afterall, it is called the Music "Business". Best of luck to these guys. Peep the story below.
R&B group Day 26 were offered the opportunity of a lifetime when hip-hop mogul Sean "Diddy" Combs hand-picked the boy band on the MTV reality series 'Making the Band 4.' The group have since left Diddy's Bad Boy Records, but claim they are still very much connected to the Bad Boy crew. "Bad Boy is always our family, but we're with Atlantic right now," member Willie Taylor told The BoomBox.
Instead of continuing his distribution deal with Atlantic Records, Combs opted to sign with Interscope records and is working on his album 'Last Train to Paris,' with his new group Dirty Money comprised of himself, former Danity Kane member Dawn Richard and newcomer Kaleena. "They're taking music to the next level, it's called train music," said group member Quanell "Q" Mosely." It's so dope, I give them a lot of respect, Diddy's a genius."
Without Diddy's backing, Day 26 is setting out to prove that they are more than just television stars. "We really want to get people focused on the artistry, on the music," Taylor explained. "I think a lot of people lost it with the entertainment of the show. So now, we really want to show people what we're all about, that we do our thing whether its on stage, in the studio, writing and producing -- we do it all."
The band plan to hit the studio at the beginning of next year to record album three. "We're very excited about it. We know exactly what the fans are expecting from us on this third album. We're going to take the gloves off, really go for it. A lot of people thought Day 26 weren't going to be here but we're still standing."
Earlier this year the group flexed their design muscle releasing a woman's shoe line called Eight2Six. Their first product the Swaggaa Heel can be purchased online and is available in three different colors. "You can wear them at all times. You never have to take them off," group member Brian Andrews promised.
From:The Boombox
To Much Junk In The Trunk For This Poor Chair
Damn Thick bottoms ! You started out good, but you let your friends boost you a little too much. A moment of silence for the chair please.
If You Thought Sara Palin Wasn't That Sharp, Check Out Her Followers. We're In Trouble
Isn't it crazy how are these people on the video are rallying around her, but don't have the slightest idea what she stands for, or what she could/would bring to the White House. She's nothing more that hot air, smoke & mirrors. The GOP has to do better than this
You're # 1 Agan Detroit ! It's Still So Cold In The "D"

15) Philadelphia, PA (at 709 violent crimes per 100k people)
14) Charlotte, NC
13) West Palm Beach, FL
12) Baton rouge, LA
11) New Orleans, LA
10) Baltimore, MD
9) Nashville, TN
8) Charleston, SC
7) Little Rock, AK
6) Orlando, FL
5) Stockton, CA
4) Las Vegas, NV
3) Miami, FL
2) Memphis, TN
1) Detriot, MI (at 1,220 violent crimes for every 100k people)
My sympaty goes out to anyone going to these cities this holidy. Be safe
Monday, November 23, 2009
WTF ?!
Why do people tell u 2 call them when u get close so they can order the food, than don't answer the phn? & u end up order'n it urself. WTF?!
LaMar's World Mobile
LaMar's World Mobile
Jay-Z & Alicia "Thicker Than A Snicker" Keys On The 2009 AMA's
The best performance of the night. Did anyone else see Adam Lamber eat it, & roll during his performance ? J-Lo should be thankful for the tookas she has. When she fell, it bounced her right back onto her feet. Overall, it was a semi-decent show. MJB did her thing as always. Em' was good. Glad to see Whitnet get that monkey off her back. Let's hear what you think of the show
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
What is Really Going On In Our World ?! 15 Year Old Kills 9 Year Old For Fun

What happened in our society to where a 15 year would do something like this ? I'm really at a loss for words. Something really needs to change. I don't have the answers right now, but i know somethings got to change. Peep the story below. Sad.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Blessed with a Friday off school, 15-year-old Alyssa Bustamante dug two holes in the ground to be used as a grave, authorities said. For the next week, she attended classes, all the while plotting the right time for a murder, they said.
That time arrived the evening of Oct. 21, when Bustamante strangled 9-year-old neighbor Elizabeth Olten without provocation, cut the girl's throat and stabbed her, prosecutors said. Why?
"Ultimately, she stated she wanted to know what it felt like," Missouri State Highway Patrol Sgt. David Rice testified Wednesday during a court hearing over the slaying.
Rice, who interviewed Bustamante in the days after Elizabeth's disappearance, said she confessed to investigators and led them to the fourth grader's well-concealed body in a wooded area near their neighborhood in St. Martins, a small town west of Jefferson City.
A Cole County judge ruled Wednesday that Bustamante, who has been held in Missouri's juvenile justice system, should be tried as an adult. Hours later, the teen was indicted on adult charges of first-degree murder and armed criminal action for allegedly using a knife to kill Elizabeth. A judge later entered a not guilty plea on Bustamante's behalf and referred her to the public defender's office.
The court proceedings marked the first time that the suspect in Elizabeth's death had been publicly identified since a two-day search for the girl by hundreds of volunteers. When they found Elizabeth's body Oct. 23, authorities only said that a 15-year-old had led them to it and was in custody for the slaying.
Bustamante remained largely expressionless as she sat with her hands shackled around her waist in court Wednesday. She occasionally looked down beneath the brown bangs that covered her eyes and swallowed hard as a judge read the charges against her.
On one side of the courtroom sat her mother and grandmother, who has been Bustamante's legal guardian for about half of her life. On the other side sat Elizabeth's mother, relatives and friends, several of whom wore pink — Elizabeth's favorite color.
Bustamante was ordered held without bond pending her trial. If convicted of first-degree murder, she would be sentenced to life in prison without parole.
Witnesses at Bustamante's adult certification hearing described a girl who was bright yet depressed and clever in a sometimes sneaky sort of way. She ranked in roughly the top third of her class at Jefferson City High School, the principal said, and had been in no trouble at school or with the law.
Yet Bustamante had tried to commit suicide at age 13 and had been receiving mental health treatment for depression and cutting herself, said David Cook, the chief juvenile officer in Cole County. Once, she led her family to believe she was attending a local church event when she instead sneaked off to a concert in St. Louis, about two hours away, Cook said. On one or two other occasions, Bustamante spent the night in the woods without permission, he said.
After her arrest, Bustamante tried to cut herself with her own fingernails while being held in juvenile custody, said her appointed juvenile defense attorney Kurt Valentine.
He argued Bustamante should remain in the juvenile system, where she could potentially be rehabilitated before being set free by age 21. Valentine warned that Bustamante would either kill herself or be assaulted and killed by others if she were placed in an adult jail cell or prison.
"We are throwing away the child and we are signing a death sentence for Alyssa," Valentine said. "She is not going to survive her time in the Cole County jail."
Cole County Sheriff Greg White said later that Bustamante would be held at a different, undisclosed location.
Cook recommended Bustamante be tied as an adult. Cole County Circuit Judge Jon Beetem agreed, saying the killing was vicious and that the state had no adequate facilities or services to treat Bustamante if she remained in the juvenile system.
Bill Heberle, with the Missouri Division of Youth Services, testified that the state has no secure facilities with fences for female juveniles. Youths in Missouri's juvenile system generally are housed in group settings and are not typically watched by staff 24 hours a day, he said.
Aaron Hall Has A Reality Show ?! About Dogs ?!
The Black Dog Whisperer huh ? Whatever pays the bills huh. Get you money Aaron. I know of a few ghetto Pit Bulls you can whisper to.
From:Who Knows
Things People Do 4 Money,
Monday, November 16, 2009
WTF. Black Guy Gets Thrown In Bon Fire At A Party.

EAST GREENBUSH, N.Y. - A Rensselaer County man is behind bars after allegedly tossing a teen into a fire early Friday morning in a fit of rage. It happened at an outdoor party in East Greenbush.
Police say it was 23-year-old Bruce Vroman who grabbed 18-year-old Derek George and threw him into the flames. Friends quickly pulled Derek out, but it wasn't fast enough.
18-year-old Derek George can barely speak through his pain. Second and third degree burns cover his leg, back, and half his face. "It hurts a lot," he says softly.
Derek was at a party around a bonfire when he says Bruce Vroman, a man he did not know, yelled a racial slur at him.
Derek's mother, Dorma George, explains, "Out of the blue they're like, 'you n***** you need to leave!' "
Derek says he tried to stay calm, telling Vroman, "I take that as disrespect. Just don't say it, please don't say it."
That's when Derek says Vroman rushed at him. Derek fought him to the ground, but does not remember being pushed into the fire. "That's all I remember is saying, 'somebody's gonna get hurt,' and waking up with my friends holding me, saying 'you're all burnt up.' "
His mother is calling it a hate crime.
"My son's face, my son's body is burnt. For what? Being black? It's ridiculous," says George.
George says all of her children have been repeatedly harassed by some in Vroman's circle of friends, and she says she's desperate for police intervention.
"It's like a ball of fire just ready to explode, and I'm trying to stop it before someone gets killed...I don't want my son to die like this," she says.
Police say their investigation is not over. Vroman is charged with first degree assault. He's being held in the Rensselaer County Correctional Facility without bail, and has a preliminary hearing set for Tuesday, October 13th.
Derek George is still undergoing outpatient treatment from Albany Medical Center.
This Is A Hell Of A Way To Get Your $
Its a lot of things I'd do for money, but this is not 1 of them
LaMar's World Mobile
LaMar's World Mobile
Reporter Dunks On Little Kid, & Makes Him Cry
He didn't have to go this hard on the little guy. To make matters worse he calls the kid soft. He & I would have met up on camera if it was my kid
Friday, November 13, 2009
Here We Go Again. Eyewitness Says A Black Officer Was The Real Hero At Ft. Hood
The media never wants to give a brother his shine time.The same thing happened when the towers went down. A black soldier rushed in and helped people, but when the film can out, his character was changed to a white soldier. I guess since we have a black President, we don't need anymore positive images in the media. Sad
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Even Country Music Stars Are Clowing Kanye Now ? Give It A Break
Ok now. Please let this be the last time that someone that has nothing to do with Hip-hop has their "Kanye" moment at an award show. That guy was waaaay to old for that.
Why Are People Still Messing With Mike Tyson ?

Is this guy for real ? Be on the look out for the Civil Suit. I'm sure he's looking for some Christmas cash by suing Mike. Peep the story below.
According to authorities former boxing heavyweight champion Mike Tyson was booked on suspicion of battery yesterday after a run in with Paparazzi at Los Angeles International Airport.
The police report states that the incident happened in front of several people at the United Airlines ticket counter around 4:30PM local time. Tyson told police that the photographer struck him in an attempt to provoke him (looks like it worked), while the photographer states that Tyson punched him in the face and tried to take his camera.
After being held in an LAX lock up Tyson was taken to a local precinct and booked. The photographer was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment of a cut on his head. Both men wish to press battery charges.
Also a spokesperson for Tyson stated that the boxer was trying to protect his wife and 10-month old child whom he was traveling with.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Katt Williams Speaks Out About the Case He Caught In Ga.
Maybe it was because his perm was a little off, but maybe, just maybe, he didn't do it.
Every Woman Wants A Wedding To Remeber, But Not Because Of This
Making it rain at your wedding ? Wow. Ya'll just blew it for any black couples that want to have a reception there. Peep the link to see this foolishness !
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Enought Is Enough I Guess. Shaq's Wife Files For Seperation

Shaunie filed legal papers yesterday in L.A., even though the couple lives in Florida. The petition says although Shaunie is filing for legal separation, she intends to file for divorce. She lists "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for separation.
Shaunie pulled her kids out of school in Florida several days ago and they are with her now in L.A.
Why, you ask, would Shaunie cross the county to file in L.A.? Well, a spouse generally does a lot better in the spousal support department here in California. Shaunie is asking for both spousal and child support -- though she did not specify an amount for either.
The date of separation is listed as 11-9-09. The couple has 4 minor children. Shaunie wants legal and physical custody of all the kids
From: TMZ
It's A Recession. You Can't Throw Things At Singers. Concert Tix Are Too High For That
Don't Drink & Ride The Train. She Was A Foot Away From A Closed Casket
How drunk do you have to be to fall on some train tracks ? As drunk as she was i guess. I've been pretty twisted before, but never that drunk. She needs to be in church real early on Sunday morning
Support DMV Artist Wale ~ Attention Deficit In Stores Now
Monday, November 9, 2009
I Knew Katt Williams Was On That Stuff. Looking Crazy & Breaking Into Houses ? That's Very Crackish To Me

Look at this MF'er here. If this don't look like a crackhead mugshot. He's been acting a little crazy for the past few years now. I think someone needs to do an intervention or something, Peep the story below to see what this little leprechaun did
NEWNAN, Ga. - Comedian and rapper Katt Williams remained jailed in suburban Atlanta on Monday after police said they arrested the entertainer for breaking into a home.
Williams, who police say is 38, is charged with burglary and criminal trespassing, according to Coweta County Sheriff's Office Major James Yarbrough.
Williams, who police say is 38, is charged with burglary and criminal trespassing, according to Coweta County Sheriff's Office Major James Yarbrough.
A deputy at the Coweta County Jail confirmed Williams was being held there and that a magistrate was expected to set bond at an arraignment Monday afternoon.
Yarbrough said the Sunday night incident happened at a home in Newnan, about 38 miles southwest of Atlanta. Yarbrough said the unidentified homeowner called police around 9 p.m. to report the comedian "gained entry by breaking into the home, and items were taken from the residence."
Yarbrough said jewelry was taken, but did not have further details.
Williams, whose real name is Micah S. Katt Williams, is known for his roles in the movies "Friday After Next" and "Norbit." His comedy DVD, "Katt Williams: Pimpadelic," was no. 8 in the nation for sales during the week of Oct. 30, according to Nielsen/VideoScan.
But lately the entertainer has gained as much attention for criminal troubles as for his quips.
He was briefly jailed last November after New York police who pull him over for driving without a license plate discovered three guns. Manhattan prosecutors dropped weapons charges in July after running into problems proving their case.
judge sentenced Williams to three years' probation in 2006 after he pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor count of carrying a concealed firearm. Authorities had arrested Williams on Nov. 6 at Los Angeles International Airport after finding a gun in his briefcase.
Williams lives in Woodland Hills, Calif.
Williams lives in Woodland Hills, Calif.
Yarbrough said police believe the entertainer was in Georgia working on a film.
Do You Want To See Your Congress People Hard At Work ?

House Minority Leader Lawrence F. Cafero Jr., R-Norwalk, pictured standing, far right, speaks while colleagues Rep. Barbara Lambert, D-Milford and Rep. Jack F. Hennessy, D-Bridgeport, play solitaire Monday night as the House convened to vote on a new budget. (AP)The guy sitting in the row in front of these two... he's on Facebook, and the guy behind Hennessy is checking out the baseball scores. These are the folks that can't get the budget out by Oct. 1, Seriously!!! So, we’ve got a 30 day budget extension. Well, guess what, 30 days from now we will be in the same boat. And these yo-yo’s will still be playing SOLITAIRE!!! I'm all for voting ALL out and start with a clean slate! Max terms and no life time benefits!!!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Woman Gets Full Water Bottle Of Urine Thrown On Her. I Wish A MF'er Would
When I was a young'n we used to throw eggs, and stuff but piss ?! It would be slow singing, and flower bringing if someone threw some piss on me, or anyone in my family.
Fellas. Please stop trying to dress up a "Doo Rag". Please stop!
I know its blurry, but you know that's a Doo-Rag he has on w/his suit. This must end now!
LaMar's World Mobile
LaMar's World Mobile
One Of My Favorite Artist Live In Concert In ATL.Lenny Kravitz
One of the most slept on artist ever. For those of you who still don't know about Lenny, here's a lil taste.
From: ATL
Please Let This Be Photoshop !!!
From: WTF ! LaMar Files
In Case You Missed It. Kim From R.H.O.A. Singing/Talking "Tardy For The Party"
My ears are bleeding ! As your Grandmother would say when trying to find something nice to say, Bless her heart though.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Breaking News....The Show "Cheaters" Is Fake. Who Cares, It's Entertaining

Inside Edition has revealed that the show - or some segments of it - is staged and not in the let's re-shoot to get a better angle fake, but completely fake fake.Cari Wyatt said she was paid $500 "to pretend that she was having a torrid affair with one guy while she was engaged to another."
And why is about the show always being able to film a cheating spouse having sex with his/her jumpoff in front of a gigantic picture window?That's no coincidence, either.
"They asked us to sit next to the windows, ham it up a little bit, be flirty and touchy, to kiss a couple of times, but we never did, we just faked it," Cari said.Carl Burmeister said he was paid to play Cari's lover.
He told Inside Edition the entire episode was shot at the home of one of the show's producers.And as for that infamous episode of Cheaters in which host Joey Greco gets stabbed? Allegedly, that was fake, too.Cassandra Terrazas says she was paid $350 to play the role of a woman who is caught having an affair with the man.
During the confrontation, her supposed "boyfriend" "stabbed" Joey in the stomach.The "boyfriend" was restrained and Joey was rushed to shore where EMT fought to save his life.
Meanwhile a police car sped away leading the viewer to believe the culprit was arrested.But according to the police in Rowlett, Texas, that never happened. "
There were no arrests at all during that time period for that type of crime," says John Ellison of the Rowlett Police Department.Cassandra says the ambulance was rented, the blood was fake, and everything was scripted right down to the person who fell off the boat.
Here's a clip of "The stabbing"
From: wendyista
Man Gets 3 Years For Get'n It In With a Horse...Again

CONWAY, S.C. — A South Carolina man caught on video having sex with a horse was sentenced Wednesday to three years in prison after pleading guilty for the second time in two years to abusing the creature.
Rodell Vereen was also ordered never to go near the stable where the horse's owner caught him and held him for authorities at shotgun point over the summer. He apologized to the woman and to himself after admitting to buggery at the Horry County courthouse.
"I'm sorry about what I've done. I didn't mean to do it. It's my fault. I'm sorry for what I've done to myself," Vereen said during Wednesday's court hearing.
Vereen was arrested in July after Barbara Kenley caught him entering the barn at Lazy B Stables in Longs, about 20 miles northeast of Myrtle Beach. She had been staking out the stable for more than a week after setting up a surveillance camera and videotaping Vereen's assault on her 21-year-old horse named Sugar.
Kenley said she became suspicious because her horse was acting strange and getting infections, and she noticed things were moved around the barn and dirt was piled up near the horse's stall.
It wasn't the first time she'd caught Vereen. In late 2007, Kenley found him asleep in the hay after assaulting her horse. For that offense, he also pleaded guilty to buggery, received probation and had to register as a sex offender.
On Wednesday, the judge sentenced Vereen to five years in prison, but he will only have to serve three years behind bars as long as he successfully completes two years of probation. Vereen also was ordered to undergo additional mental treatment after he gets out of prison and was told to stay away from Kenley's stable.
Kenley told The Sun News of Myrtle Beach she was mostly happy with the verdict, but wished Vereen had got more prison time.
"I've been through hell for the last year and it's caused a lot of hardship," Kenley told the newspaper. "There's a lot of ridicule and jokes going around about this thing. And a person can only take so much."
Fom: Huffington Post
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Nas Better Hope Kelis Doesn't See This Settlement

Peep the details below.
Stephanie Seymour will have to get by on just $270,000 a month -- at least until her nasty divorce from polo-playing pony breeder Peter Brant is finalized. A Connecticut judge ordered Brant to start coughing up the dough last week. According to the Connecticut Post, the court also cited his continued fury over his wife's thorough bred spending habits. Brant, who nets an estimated $1.55 million a month, has complained he can't fathom why Seymour pays retail at Bergdorf's, when she could get by with discounted duds from family pal Azzedine Alaia.
From: Page 6
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Big Temp'n. Too Funny. Show Your Temps Some Love
This is a trip. I'll show more love for the next temp I see
It's 2009, And People Still Think Putting On Blackface Is OK
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader has brought some controversy to herself following the discovery of some Halloween photos on her Facebook page that some say are inappropriate.
The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders are the sweethearts of America's Team, yet the actions of one of the cheerleaders off the field have drawn scrutiny and criticism.
Second-year cheerleader Whitney Isleib reportedly attended a friend's Halloween party dressed as rapper Lil' Wayne, who is black.
Pictures of Isleib, who is white, were posted on her Facebook page. The photos were leaked to a sports blog, and that's where the controversy started.
Fans we spoke with at Sunday's Cowboys game against the Seahawks were mixed in their reactions.
"If she wasn't a Dallas cheerleader would it really matter? It's Halloween, you know. you get to go how you want to go" says fan Laura Pyhrr.
"I don't agree with it, but she wore Lil' Wayne and there she is. but I don't think it's the best costume" says Martisha Francis.
One thing most everyone agreed on was anyone representing 'America's Team' should exercise better judgment.
"I'm assuming you would hold yourself up to a higher standard - especially if you're playing for the Cowboys. But wow, not much I can say about that - it speaks for itself" says fan Richard Vasquez.
No one from the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders or the team would officially comment, but a team spokesman told us the team is aware of the situation and addressing it internally.
Isleib was also not available for comment following Sunday's game.
From:CBS Dallas
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