LaMar's World is the site consisting of the thoughts and opinion's of Derik LaMar. You'll find celebrity gossip, rumors, lies (just kidding), interviews, and our fav, pics of people looking a damn fool. LaMar says the things that you're thinking, but afraid to say out loud. So sit back, relax, and waste your time.You'll be glad you did. We're glad you did. Please feel free to give us your thoughts, feedback, and criticisms. We don't care, but they're fun to read anyway. Enjoy !
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Do You Really Want TO See An All White Basketball League ? AKA The No Dunking League

Are you ready for an all Stockton, and Byrd basketball league, with the short shorts ? It's coming to a redneck town near you. Peep the story below.........
Friday, January 15, 2010
WTF ! Arizona Woman Tries To Trade Her Daughter For A Gun.

She must have been pissed !!
PHOENIX — Authorities say they have arrested an Arizona woman who traded her 2-year-old daughter for a gun.
Maricopa County sheriff's deputies arrested 33-year-old Tanya Nareau of Mesa on Tuesday after receiving a tip.
Deputies say they spoke with a family friend who had the child and confirmed Nareau gave the girl to him for gun.
Deputies say Nareau felt the friend would do a better job raising the child than she would.
Authorities say Nareau has been charged with the unlawful sale of a child and solicitation to possess a weapon by a prohibited person.
It was unclear if Nareau had legal representation
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Gilbert Caught A Felony Case. Damn Man !

The charge was announced Thursday afternoon by the U.S. Attorney's office for the District.
Arenas's attorney and prosecutors had been negotiating a plea deal during the day and it was not immediately clear whether the filing of charges was a part of the deal. Court officials said they had been told to prepare to have Arenas in Superior Court on Friday.
The U.S. Attorney's office alleged that on Dec. 21, Arenas "did carry, openly and concealed on or about his person, in a place other than his dwelling place, place of business or on other land possessed by him, a pistol, without license issued pursuant to law."
The guns became an issue after Arenas and Wizards teammate Javaris Crittenton got into an argument after a card game and Crittenton allegedly said he should shoot Arenas in his surgically repaired left knee, sources have said. Days later on Dec. 21, after a practice at Verizon Center, Arenas placed the guns on a chair next to Crittenton's locker with a note that said "pick one."
A grand jury began hearing testimony in the case on Jan. 5. But it was not immediately clear whether Thursday's charges came from the grand jury or directly from prosecutors.
Arenas's attorney, Kenneth L. Wainstein, could not immediately be located and prosecutors so far have not commented.
Also Thursday, D.C. and Arlington police searched Crittenton's home looking for the gun he reportedly used in the locker room confrontation with Arenas, according to sources familiar with the investigation and court papers.
Reached through e-mail, Crittenton's lawyer, Peter White, said he was not available to talk, but offered this statement:
"I can confirm that a search warrant was executed on Mr. Crittenton's apartment today, that Mr. Crittenton cooperated with the officers conducting the search, and that no evidence was found or seized by police."
The police affidavit in support of the warrant was sealed Wednesday by an Arlington judge at the request of investigators, said Theophani Stamos, Arlington's Chief Deputy Commonwealth's Attorney.
1st Male Prostitute Compares Himself To Rosa Parks ! WTF ?!

Ladies--say hello to Markus, America's first legal male prostitute. Markus is the newest hire at the Shady Lady Ranch brothel in Tonopah Nevada, a business that recently got the go-ahead to hire a few good men. However, as Markus told Details magazine, he'd really prefer it if you'd call him a gigolo:
I think for a male, if you want to be successful in this type of venture, you're not a prostitute. You're a surrogate lover.
He likened his decision to rise up and become a gigolo to the civil rights struggles of the '60s.
It's just the same as when Rosa Parks decided to sit at the front instead of the back.
She was proclaiming her rights as a disadvantaged, African-American older woman. And I'm doing the same. I'm actually standing up now, and hopefully
I can be supported by the male community and be understood as a person. This actually isn't about selling my body. This is about changing social norms.
Markus has dabbled in the adult industry, filming several scenes, which he called "cold and calculated." He told Details that as a gigolo, he has the heart of a saint, would never call a woman a bitch and that he can cook a three-course meal.
Tune In To the Kenny Burns Radio Show Today. They're Stepping Up For The People Of Haiti 2-6pm!!
R&B Legend Teddy Pedergrass Dead At 59

Pendergrass died Wednesday in suburban Philadelphia, where he had been hospitalized for months.
The singer’s son, Teddy Pendergrass II, said his father underwent colon cancer surgery eight months ago and had “a difficult recovery.”
Friend and longtime collaborator Kenny Gamble, of the renowned production duo Gamble & Huff, teamed with Pendergrass on his biggest hits and recalled how the singer was even working on a movie.
Pendergrass, who was born in Philadelphia in 1950, suffered a spinal cord injury in a 1982 car accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down — still able to sing but without his signature power. The image of the strong, virile lover was replaced with one that drew sympathy.
But instead of becoming bitter or depressed, Pendergrass created a new identity — that as a role model, Gamble said.
“He was a great baritone singer, and he had a real smooth sound, but he had a real rough sound, too, when he wanted to exert power in his voice,” Gamble said.
But it wasn’t Pendergrass’ voice that got him his break in the music business — it was his drum playing abilities. He met Harold Melvin, who was looking for replacement members for his group, the Blue Notes, and signed on to be the drummer. Later, he became the lead singer of the group, which became known as Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes.
The band started working with Gamble and Leon Huff and had signature hits in the early 1970s with “Wake Up Everybody” and “If You Don’t Know Me by Now.”
“The females,” Gamble said, “loved Teddy Pendergrass. The females were very attracted to him and his music.”
Unlike the songs of many of today’s male R&B crooners, Pendergrass’ music bordered on eroticism without explicit lyrics or coarse language — just through the raw emotion in his voice. “Turn Off the Lights” was a tune that perhaps best represented the many moods of Pendergrass — tender and coaxing yet strong as the song reaches its climax.
It was 19 years before Pendergrass resumed performing at his own concerts. He made his return on Memorial Day weekend in 2001, with two sold-out shows in Atlantic City, N.J.
Gamble noted Pendergrass’ charitable work for people with spinal cord injuries, his performances despite pain and his focus on the positive in the face of great challenges.
“He used to say something in his act in the wheelchair, ’Don’t let the wheelchair fool you,’ because he still proclaimed he was a lover,” Gamble said.
But his career was never the same. Gamble said it was difficult for Pendergrass to project vocally like he once did: “The breathing aspect of it, he wasn’t really able to deal with it.”
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Pat Robertson Blames Pack With The Devil For Haitian Earthquake

"And you know, Kristi, something happened a long time ago in Haiti, and people might not want to talk about it.
“They were under the heel of the French, uh, you know Napoleon the 3rd and whatever, and they got together and swore a pact to the Devil.
“They said, 'We will serve you if you'll get us free from the French.'
“True story.
“And so the Devil said, 'Okay, it's a deal.’
“And, uh, they kicked the French out, you know, with Haitians revolted and got themselves free.
“But ever since they have been cursed by, by one thing after another, desperately poor.
“That island of Hispaniola is one island. It’s cut down the middle. On the one side is Haiti on the other side is the Dominican Republican.
“Dominican Republic is, is prosperous, healthy, full of resorts, etcetera.
“Haiti is in desperate poverty.
“Same island.
“They need to have and we need to pray for them a great turning to God and out of this tragedy I’m optimistic something good may come. But right now we’re helping the suffering people and the suffering is unimaginable.”
Haiti Rocked By Massive Earth Quakes. Step Up And Help

Friday, January 8, 2010
WTF? George W. Bush's Former Lawyer Catches An Attempted Murder Charge. That's How They Roll

BOSTON — A former top attorney for President George W. Bush was charged in Connecticut on Thursday with attempted murder after he allegedly attacked his wife with a long flashlight.
John Michael Farren, 57, of New Canaan, was arrested after police received a panic alarm from his home shortly after 10 p.m. Wednesday, local media reported.
Mary Farren, 43, a partner at the law firm Skadden, Arps, suffered a broken jaw, facial fractures and lacerations to the back of her head from the attack.
She had delivered divorce papers earlier this week, according to the arrest affidavit.
Farren was named a deputy assistant to the president and deputy counsel to the president in 2007, according to his White House biography. He served as an undersecretary at the Commerce Department during the George H. W. Bush administration.
Mary Farren's attorney Andrew Bowman described the attack as "brutal."
He beat the breaks off of her with a flashlight ? Damn man !
From: AP
For Once I Agree With Glenn Beck. I Still Can't Stand Him Though

Beck was quick to clarify:
African-American is a bogus, PC, made-up term. I mean, that's not a race. Your ancestry is from Africa and now you live in America. Ok, so you were brought over -- either your family was brought over through the slave trade or you were born here and your family emigrated here or whatever but that is not a race.
Think Progress notes that on an earlier program, Beck had admitted that he didn't have "a lot of African-American friends, and I think part of it is because I'm afraid that I would be in an open conversation, and I would say something that somebody would take wrong, and then it would be a nightmare."
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Damn Gilbert ! The Season Is A Wrap For The Wizards

Because Arenas violated NBA rules by bringing guns into Washington's locker room, Stern decided to punish Arenas now. He said the suspension begins immediately.
Stern says he originally planned to wait for the criminal investigation to be completed before taking action, and directed the Wizards to do the same.
Every game Arenas ends up missing during the suspension will cost him $147,208.
The suspension comes after multiple media reports over the weekend said that a dispute over a gambling debt led to a conflict between Arenas and teammate Javaris Crittenton
Multiple sources told that an argument commenced during a card game on the team's overnight flight back to Washington from Phoenix on Dec. 19 and escalated into a heated exchange between Arenas and Crittenton.
Sources say that Arenas, in response to what was said on the flight, placed the three guns on a chair near Crittenton's locker stall and invited him to pick one before practice on Dec. 21.
The Washington Post reported in Sunday's editions that Arenas, according to sources, was expecting Crittenton to see the guns on his chair as a joke based on the earlier back-and-forth on the plane, during which Crittenton allegedly said that he would shoot Arenas in his surgically repaired knee.
In his statement, Arenas confirmed that the guns were brought out at the Dec. 21 practice.
"As I have said before, I had kept the four unloaded handguns in my house in Virginia but then moved them over to my locker at the Verizon Center to keep them away from my young kids," the statement read.
"Contrary to some press accounts, I never threatened or assaulted anyone with the guns and never pointed them at anyone. Joke or not, I now recognize that what I did was a mistake and was wrong. I should not have brought the guns to D.C. in the first place, and I now realize that there's no such thing as joking around when it comes to guns -- even if unloaded."
Arenas met with law enforcement officials on Monday to explain why he had guns at the Verizon Center last month.
Arenas' lawyer issued a statement saying that the player met with federal prosecutors at the United States Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia and detectives of the Metropolitan Police Department for more than two hours.
At the NBA's request, the firearms language was bolstered during collective bargaining in 2005. Players are subject to discipline if they bring guns to the arena or practice facility, or even an offsite promotional appearance.
What In The World Is Wrong With People. Women Kept Chained Up In Her Own Ish

These two look like they're capable of just about anything, but this is out of hand. How could you do this to anyone, but especially your own sister, and grandchild. There's a special part of Hell waiting just for them. Peep the story below. (PS: WTF Is wrong w/their heads ?! )
A mentally disabled woman was found in Wisconsin confined to a home by chains and covered in her own feces.
56-year-old Sally Adams and her son 34-year-old Ernest Claiborne are being charged with keeping Adams' 38-year-old daughter and Adams' 2 1/2 -year-old grandson in disgusting conditions in their Wisconsin home.
According to police, the daughter who is believed to have the mental capacity of a 5-year-old, was found chained to an exercise bench and the grandson confined to a car seat in a filthy diaper.
Police got word of the possibility of cruel conditions after the grandson's father was not allowed to see his child and had been kept at bay since September.
The daughter weighed less than 70 pounds and could not stand or walk after being unchained. She was not able to communicate with police at the scene.
Ernest Claiborne told police the child was confined so that he could take a nap. Both defendants deny chaining the mentally ill daughter.
From: HHW
Man Who Won 30 Million Comes Up Missing. Feared Dead. Should've Invested In Security

LAKELAND, Fla. (Jan. 6) -- In 2006, Abraham Shakespeare - a truck driver's assistant who lived with his mother - won $30 million in the Florida lottery. His good fortune may have cost him his life.Shakespeare vanished months ago.
His mother hopes he is somewhere in the Caribbean, lying on a beach and enjoying the good life away from all the hangers-on who were constantly hitting him up for money.The sheriff has a more ominous theory: Shakespeare was killed."There are a lot of odd and bizarre circumstances in this case," Sheriff Grady Judd said.
"We fear and are preparing for the worst. We're working this case as if it were a homicide."
Shakespeare, 43, won the big jackpot after buying a lottery ticket at a convenience store in a town called Frostproof, claiming later that he gave the last $3 in his pocket to a homeless man just before the winning numbers were announced.
Shakespeare - who had a criminal record that included arrests and prison time for burglary, battery and not paying child support - took a lump-sum payment of $16.9 million instead of annual installments.
He bought a Nissan Altima, a Rolex from a pawn shop, a $1 million home in a gated community. He talked about starting a foundation for the poor and insisted the money wouldn't change him.
"I'm not a material person," he said in 2007. "I don't let material things run me. I'm on a tight budget."
The money quickly caused him problems.A former co-worker sued him in 2007, accusing Shakespeare of stealing the winning ticket from him. Six months later, a jury ruled the ticket was Shakespeare's.Then there were the people constantly asking him for a piece of his fortune.
"They didn't wait. They just came right after they found out he won this money," his mother, Elizabeth Walker, said recently.
She said her son was generous, paying for funerals, lending money to friends starting businesses and even giving a million dollars to a guy known only as "Big Man."
Not long after he bought the million-dollar home in early 2007, he was approached by a woman named Dee Dee Moore, said family and officials.Moore - who could not be reached by The Associated Press - said she was interested in writing a book about Shakespeare's life.
She became something of a financial adviser to Shakespeare, who never graduated high school.Property records show that Moore's company, American Medical Professionals, bought Shakespeare's home for $655,000 last January. His mother said the last time she saw him was shortly afterward, around her birthday in February.
The sheriff said the last time anyone saw Shakespeare was in April - but it wasn't until Nov. 9 that he was reported missing, by a police informant.And the story gets more bizarre.According to The Ledger of Lakeland, the 37-year-old Moore contacted reporters at the newspaper in April, saying Shakespeare was "laying low" because people tried to suck money out of him.That made sense to Shakespeare's mother - sort of.
"I remember once, talking with me over the phone, he said he might go to Jamaica," she said.On Dec. 5, a sobbing Moore told The Ledger that she helped Shakespeare disappear, but now wants him to return because detectives were searching her home and car and looking for blood on her belongings.One reason he wanted to leave, she said, was a child support case for a child he allegedly fathered after winning the lottery.
"Abraham sold me his mess to get a better life," she told the paper.She even gave the paper a video that she said she took of Abraham. In the video, he says he is tired of people asking him for money. "They don't take no for an answer," he says."So where you wanna go to?" Moore asks in the video."It don't matter to me. I'm not a picky person,"
Shakespeare replies.Moore told the paper that she took the video to "protect herself."Moore said she filed paperwork to take over five mortgages totaling about $370,000 that had been owed to Shakespeare.
She said she sold the loans at a loss to another person. She added that many of the people who borrowed from Shakespeare have refused to pay, and she feels threatened by some of them.
Moore's past includes a year of probation after she was charged with falsely reporting that she was carjacked and raped in 2001. Officials said she concocted the scheme so her insurance company would reimburse her for the SUV, which she claimed had been stolen.
The woman did not answer several calls placed to a number listed for her in public records. During a recent visit to the home she bought from Shakespeare, a security box rang to a phone number that had been disconnected.
Sheriff's officials won't comment on Moore's involvement in Shakespeare's life.The sheriff said that Shakespeare spent the bulk of his lottery winnings. The fact that he didn't call his mother on
Christmas reinforces the theory that Shakespeare is not just hiding, Judd said."I hope so much that he is alive somewhere," said his mother. "And I want people to know, if they ever win the lottery, I hope they know how to handle the people that come after them. They can be dangerous."
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Who's Gonna Get The New Google Phone When It Drops ?

The catalyst in Google's latest attempt to redefine the mobile market apparently will be the Nexus One, the first smart phone designed by the company's own engineers.
Google has said little about the phone except to confirm that its workers received the handsets three weeks ago for a final round of internal testing. Google is expected to provide the first concrete details about the phone, along with the company's vision for how such devices should be made and sold, during a news conference Tuesday at Google's headquarters in Mountain View.
In its invitation to the event, Google said the wireless market has only seen "the beginning of what's possible" with the free Android operating system that it introduced for mobile phones in late 2007.
Android was designed to make it easier to interact on a mobile phone with Web sites and services, including Google's, while providing an egalitarian platform to run applications developed by outside programmers.
The applications don't have to go through an extensive review before they can be distributed to Android-powered devices, a contrast from the control that Apple Inc. holds on its hot-selling iPhone.
Until now, Google has been content to let other companies design the devices relying on Android. And those devices thus far have largely been distributed like most other mobile phones, tethered to major wireless carriers that typically require buyers to lock into two-year contracts in return for discounts on the handsets.