LaMar's World is the site consisting of the thoughts and opinion's of Derik LaMar. You'll find celebrity gossip, rumors, lies (just kidding), interviews, and our fav, pics of people looking a damn fool. LaMar says the things that you're thinking, but afraid to say out loud. So sit back, relax, and waste your time.You'll be glad you did. We're glad you did. Please feel free to give us your thoughts, feedback, and criticisms. We don't care, but they're fun to read anyway. Enjoy !
Thursday, October 29, 2009
There's A Special In Hell For This Woman. More Concerned About Her Foodstamps Than Her Nephews
This is the tragic story of 2 little boys who lost there lives last week in Memphis because their mother and aunt left them alone. They were just 2, and 3 years old. Please watch the Aunt at the end. I'm speachless. She's going to hers real soon.
From:Fox Memphis
The 2 Most Fertile People In The World Are Getting A Show. Octomom & Jon. Someone's Gonna Get Pregnant

Monday, October 26, 2009
Racism Alive And Kicking In Chicago.

Students from Washington University say they have complained to state and federal agencies that a Chicago, Illinois, nightclub barred six African-American members from their senior class trip celebration while admitting nearly 200 white classmates.
Bar personnel cited dress code violations -- specifically baggy jeans -- when barring the African-American students, according to Washington University senior class president Fernando Cutz, who was among students admitted to the bar.
A white student and a black student exchanged jeans to see what would happen, and the white student was admitted while his classmate still was kept outside, Cutz said.
Cutz said his group from the St. Louis, Missouri, school filed complaints with the Chicago Human Rights Commission, the Illinois Attorney General, the U.S. Department of Justice and other organizations after the incident on October 17. The school planned to hold a town hall meeting Monday night to discuss the incident and a possible protest, he said.
Calls by CNN to the nightclub, Original Mother's bar, were not immediately returned.
But a representative of the bar told the Chicago Tribune on Thursday that security concerns, not racism, guided the decision. One day later, a bar representative told the paper the club was taking the issue "very seriously," conducting an internal investigation and that disciplinary action would be taken if necessary.
Cutz said the celebration at Original Mother's in Chicago's Gold Coast section was to have been the culminating event of a two-day senior class trip to Chicago. The party had been arranged with the bar in advance by the student class board, which includes two of the African-American students who were later denied entry, Cutz said.
Cutz said he was already inside the bar with some 200 other students, none of whom are African-American, when the first group of African-American classmates arrived. He said he learned that the manager of the bar denied entry to the six students, and he said the manager told the students their baggy pants violated the bar's dress code.
Cutz, who is white, said he confronted the manager.
Nevertheless, Cutz said, he told the students to "go back to the hotel and change." But the manager of the bar stepped in to say that he had made his decision and that the six men could not return to the bar even if they changed clothes, Cutz said.
The students became "more agitated" and "set up an experiment," Cutz said. Class treasurer Regis Murayi, who is black, exchanged jeans with a white student, Jordan Roberts, who -- being 3 inches shorter than Murayi -- looked "substantially baggy."
Roberts approached the same manager who had turned away the African-American students, paid the entry fee and was allowed in, Cutz said.
Washington University Chancellor Mark Wrighton sent a letter to Chicago Mayor Richard Daley to express his "most intense disappointment" about the incident. In the letter -- a copy of which was provided to CNN by Cutz -- Wrighton told the mayor that he "can only imagine the humiliation and discouragement these six young students felt ... when they were turned away from this establishment because of their race."
Students also contacted the Anti-Defamation League and the Chicago Urban League. The two organizations jointly sent a letter to the bar, writing that they "strongly suggest that Mother's re-examine its dress code, conduct immediate retraining of all employees to avoid any future racial discrimination or appearance thereof, and issue a formal letter of apology to the six students who were denied entry."
From :CNN
Teach Your Kids To Show Some Respect. Or At Least Leave Tranny Hookers Alone
See what happens when you don't teach your kids to S.T.F.U ? ( You know what that stands for) This hoodrat & her lil rats paid the price for running off at the mouth.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Woman Flashes 27k In A Bar...Than Gets Robbed For It. Don't you Know It's A Recession

According to police, the woman bragged in the bar of receiving the $27,000 from an insurance claim. Police say she was later robbed after she left the bar with a male friend.
Delaney said the woman should have put her cash settlement in a bank.
Does The Media Care When Black Woman Go Missing ?

Ten women have been found slain or have been declared missing in Rocky Mount, N.C., in recent years. But the rest of the country hasn't heard about a possible serial killer stalking the young women in this Southern town of 60,000. The latest victim, Elizabeth Jane Smallwood, was identified on Oct. 12. Why have the Rocky Mount homicides been largely ignored?
"When you think about the famous missing-person cases over the last few years it's Chandra Levy, Natalee Holloway, and Laci Peterson," notes Sam Sommers, associate professor of psychology at Tufts University. All these women had a few things in common—they were white, educated, and came from middle-class families. The victims in Rocky Mount—which residents describe as a "typical Southern town," and is about 40 percent white and more than 50 percent black—were different. They were all African-American, many were poor, and some had criminal histories including drug abuse and prostitution.
If it was someone of a different race, things would have been dealt with the first time around; it wouldn't have taken the fifth or sixth person to be murdered," says Andre Knight, a city-council member and president of the local NAACP chapter. "All these women knew each other and lived in the same neighborhood; this is the sign of a potential serial killer. When it didn't get the kind of attention it needed, it made the African-American community frustrated."
Police have not officially linked all the murders and disappearances, but community members claim the similarities among the women, their lifestyles, and the location of their bodies make a connection all too obvious. "If you find two bodies in the same location, this could be the work of the same person or people," says Rocky Mount Police Chief John Manley, who would not comment on a connection, but implied the possibility.
Rumors are running rampant around the town about the identity of the serial killer. There is not much physical evidence, leading some to speculate it's a former law-enforcement officer or someone in the military. Others have deduced that the killer is targeting specific women as a form of revenge for contracting HIV from a prostitute. Along with Smallwood, the murders of Taraha Nicholson, 28, Jarniece Hargrove, 31, Ernestine Battle, 50, Jackie Nikelia Thorpe, 35, Melody Wiggins, 29, and Denise Williams, 21, remain unsolved. Authorities are also searching for Yolanda Lancaster, 37, Joyce Renee Durham, 46, and Christine Boone, 43.
From: Newsweek
Thursday, October 22, 2009
3 Min & 32 Seconds Of Dave Chappelle's 5 Hour Comedy Show
My man Dave still has it. I was crying over here. He needs to go on tour real soon Ejnoy !
W.Va. Women Who Said She Was Tortured, Now Says She Made It Up WTF ?!

Remember this story 2 years ago ? They found her in a shed with her hair cut up, and her entire body bruised. She said she had been beaten and ganged raped by her boyfriend, and his family Now, she says she made it up to get revenge on her boyfriend. Read below for the rest of the story.
COLUMBUS, Ohio — When a black woman told West Virginia authorities in 2007 that seven white people had raped and tortured her over several days in a racially motivated attack, minority rights groups rallied to her support.
The Rev. Al Sharpton and Black Lawyers for Justice urged prosecutors to pursue hate-crime charges. The lawyers organized a march on Megan Williams' behalf. Sharpton addressed a rally in Charleston and donated $1,000 to Williams' family as a Christmas gift.
More than two years later, Williams, now 22 and living in Columbus, recanted her story on Wednesday, and the groups that supported her stood at arm's length from the woman whose mother had described her as "slow."
Sharpton has asked a prosecutor to vindicate anyone wrongfully convicted.
The head of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Logan and Boone counties in West Virginia said the group didn't rush to judgment two years ago, and won't now.
"We did have some concerns about what was being done at the time and how it was carried out by Megan and the family, because of her mental condition," said the Rev. Audie Murphy, president of the group.
Williams had said her captors, including boyfriend Bobby Brewster, beat her, raped her, forced her to drink urine and eat feces, poured hot wax on her and taunted her with racial slurs in a the trailer of Brewster's mother in a rural area of Logan County, about 50 miles from Charleston, W.Va. Williams was rescued after a passer-by heard cries from the shed where she was kept and an anonymous caller alerted authorities.
The suspects all confessed to their actions and pleaded guilty. All but one were sent to prison.
But Williams made up the story because she wanted to get revenge against a boyfriend who had beaten her, said her attorney, Byron L. Potts. She recanted because she no longer wants to live a lie, he said.
Potts said Williams has received several anonymous phone calls from people threatening her life. "She is recanting the entire incident. She says it did not happen, and she's scared," Potts said.
Potts said Williams stabbed herself with a straight razor to help embellish the story of being tortured.
"She told me the only thing not self-inflicted were the bruises on her face," Potts said.
Prosecutors, who knew about the relationship during the case, dismissed Williams' new claim, and lawyers for the defendants would not discuss their plans.
Potts urged prosecutors in West Virginia to re-evaluate the case and he said that Williams wants people convicted to be released from prison.
Brian Abraham, the former Logan County prosecutor who pursued the cases, said authorities realized early in the investigation that they could not rely on statements from Williams, who tended to embellish and exaggerate details. Instead, he said, the seven defendants were convicted on their own statements and physical evidence.
"If she's going to say that she made it all up, that's absurd," Abraham said. "This looks like another attempt to generate more publicity."
Lawyers for the seven did not immediately return phone calls Wednesday or declined to comment. Abraham said none of the seven have appealed.
Potts said he did not know why the defendants have pleaded guilty to something they did not do.
He said Williams is aware that she could face legal consequences for fabricating the story and that he wants to have her psychologically evaluated. He said Williams told him certain people were controlling her and influencing her during the case. He did not elaborate.
He said she now lives with a caregiver, but would not give further details.
In a January interview with The Call & Post, a black newspaper in Cleveland, Williams acknowledged she had been mistreated but said her mother made her embellish the story for exposure and financial gain. Williams told the newspaper that she was afraid of her mother, who knew some of the defendants.
Williams' mother, Carmen Williams, died in June. Potts said he did not know what role the mother might have had in fabricating the case.
In a phone call to the AP on Wednesday, Sharpton said the matter should be handled delicately, citing "psychological issues" with Williams.
"This isn't cut and dried either way," he said. "Right is right, but I have no idea if tomorrow her story will change back."
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Damn Nas. First Kelis, Now The Federalies Are In Your Pocket

In 2006 Nas signed a four album deal with Def Jam Records worth anywhere between $4 and $11 million dollars.
Nas was ordered to pay $44,000 a month in child support to his ex-wife Kelis in the summer of 2009. Not satisfied with the judgment, Kelis claimed that Nas was lying about his income and actually made $11 million dollars for his deal with Def Jam.
Is the IRS targeting rappers? Are rappers hiring bad accountant's? I'm not sure, but I hope these issues are rectified to avoid further embarrassment.
Nas is currently readying a joint album titled Distant Relatives with Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley.
Shyne, "I spent 10 years in prison just to get kicked out the country?" Did Diddy do this ?

From: US Immigration

Woman Who Made Fake 911 Call, Gets Killed Making A Real 911 Call. Weird Huh ?

What the hell !? There are more crazy people walking around than you think. This one is/was a certified nut case.
CALDWELL, Idaho — Police say an Idaho woman who made a false 911 call to lure paramedics out of their station made a real emergency call minutes later when she got trapped under the station's garage door.
Melissa R. Farris died Oct. 2 of injuries suffered when she was crushed by the closing garage door at the Canyon County station.
Farris, a former paramedic at the station, had been trying to crawl under the door after the ambulance left to respond to a nonexistent traffic accident she'd called in a few minutes earlier.
Caldwell Police Chief Chris Allgood says it may never be known why Farris was trying to gain access to the station
But according to a police report obtained by KBCI-TV, her sister told investigators that Farris may have been going after prescription medication stored in the station.
From: FNN
Kanye West Is Not Dead. Good Ole Fox News Blows It Again

Who comes up with these elaborate stories. His girlfriend Amber Rose thinks that the trending topic has gone a bit too far. She writes:
This RIP KanyeWest topic is not funny and its NOT TRUE! He has people like myself and his family that love him very much. Its in extreme poor taste to have that as a trending topic. It’s totally disrespectful to make up a story like this. We are all human and we all make mistakes and to say someone died cuz of a mistake is ridiculous. U wouldn’t want someone to say that about u. Or someone u love it’s not funny.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Author Teri Woods Fam & Friends Barred From Her Book Release Party Because They Were Black ?!

Teri Moore, author of "True to the Game", "B-More Careful", and "Beat the Cross" just to name a few was the victem of alleged racism in NYC. As an aspiring unpublished author myself ( shameless plug ), I can only imagine how she felt. She's filed a $1 Billion bias lawsuit. Her suit claims the club didn't want to admit black and or fat guest.Teri, call me ! Peep the story below.
Apparently the Greenhouse has a blacklist.
On what was supposed to be a night of celebration, author Teri Woods says she and her friends and family were humiliated when a tony SoHo nightclub denied them entrance -- allegedly because they were black.
Now a $1 billion class-action racial bias lawsuit has been filed against a popular nightclub on Varick Street.
Author Teri Woods, who is black, invited 175 guests to a signing for her new book, "Alibi," at Greenhouse in Manhattan on August 6.
But Woods said the majority of her black guests were barred from entering the club. And she said a handful of her guests who were white were allowed inside.
"They left all of my friends and family standing outside," Woods told the Daily News. "I had really serious people out there: lawyers, doctors and people in the entertainment industry... I was embarrassed."
Club owner Barry Mullineaux called the allegations "bogus." He declined further comment.
Woods said she has text messages sent from Mullineaux to Woods' party promoter.
In one message, the owner allegedly said he couldn't allow "300-pound girls" in the club.
"There was nobody out there who was fat," said Woods. "And even if there was a fat person, who cares?"
Be Like A Baller ~ The Offical Kenny Burns, B.U.R.N.S.Trailer
B.U.R.N.S. Documentary Trailer from KENNY BURNS on Vimeo.
Every time your turn around someones talking about how hard they're ballin. Most of it is a bunch of BS though. No true for D.C.'s own Kenny Burns. This brother is the personification of hard work. Whether it's hosting parties, or TV shows, running a label, promoting a rapper or whatever he's doing, he does it to the fullest. So if you're looking it step your game up, peep the B.U.R.N.S documentary. Stay tuned for the exclusive Kenny Burns interview coming soon.
Follow him on Twitter:kennyburns
Peep his site:
Monday, October 19, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Mom Helps Son Do A Drive-By ?! It's Still So Cold In The "D"

Most moms will help their sons with homework, or any other types of situations a young man will encounter in life. This heifer helped her son pull a drive-by. This proves that it is still very cold in the "D".
A week ago today, the mother of a 15-year-old Detroit boy pulled her van in front of a family rec center, then popped the hood latch from inside so her son could retrieve a .32 revolver stashed within.
The teen apparently missed his intended target from an earlier argument but fatally shot a bystander in the head. He jumped back into the van, and his mother sped off.
"I don't know how we can expect our youth to stay out of violent crime if we have their parents assisting them in that endeavor," Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy said Wednesday as she described what police said happened and announced murder charges against Tarranisha Davis, 35, and her son, Tremaine Davis.
Investigators say Tremaine Davis was involved in an argument earlier Oct. 8 at the Considine Little Rock Family Center at 8904 Woodward. Tarranisha Davis, who had been at a gas station across the street, drove over to the center, Worthy said.
"The evidence in this case will show you cannot unlatch the hood unless it is unlatched from the inside" of the van, Worthy said.
Four bullets were fired outside the rec center just before 4 p.m. Dmitri Jackson, 19, whom Worthy said was not the intended target, died.
"I've never ever seen him upset, but he was always ready with a joke," Shavonne Smith, director of Jackson's school, which is across the street from the rec center, said about her student.
Detroit Public Schools sent counselors to Riverside Preparatory Academy to help the 100 students grieve.
Standing silently in 36th District Court at his arraignment Wednesday, Tremaine Davis was remanded to custody without bail, pending a hearing Nov. 6. Worthy intends to prosecute him as an adult. His mother is expected to be arraigned today.
No Becky Love'n In La. ? Interacial Couple Denied Marriage License

Well this means no professional athletes could live down there. "Becky Loving" is in full swing, but a judge in LA is blocking that.
HAMMOND, La. - A Louisiana justice of the peace said he refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple out of concern for any children the couple might have.
Keith Bardwell, justice of the peace in Tangipahoa Parish, says it is his experience that most interracial marriages do not last long.
Neither Bardwell nor the couple immediately returned phone calls from The Associated Press. But Bardwell told the Daily Star of Hammond that he was not a racist.
I do ceremonies for black couples right here in my house," Bardwell said. "My main concern is for the children."
‘I feel the children will later suffer’
Bardwell said he has discussed the topic with blacks and whites, along with witnessing some interracial marriages. He came to the conclusion that most of black society does not readily accept offspring of such relationships, and neither does white society, he said.
"I don't do interracial marriages because I don't want to put children in a situation they didn't bring on themselves," Bardwell said. "In my heart, I feel the children will later suffer."
If he does an interracial marriage for one couple, he must do the same for all, he said.
"I try to treat everyone equally," he said.
Thirty-year-old Beth Humphrey and 32-year-old Terence McKay, both of Hammond, say they will consult the U.S. Justice Department about filing a discrimination complaint.
Humphrey told the newspaper she called Bardwell on Oct. 6 to inquire about getting a marriage license signed. She says Bardwell's wife told her that Bardwell will not sign marriage licenses for interracial couples.
"It is really astonishing and disappointing to see this come up in 2009," said American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana attorney Katie Schwartzman. "The Supreme Court ruled as far back as 1963 that the government cannot tell people who they can and cannot marry."
‘He knew he was breaking the law’
The ACLU was preparing a letter for the Louisiana Supreme Court, which oversees the state justices of the peace, asking them to investigate Bardwell and see if they can remove him from office, Schwartzman said.
"He knew he was breaking the law, but continued to do it," Schwartzman said.
According to the clerk of court's office, application for a marriage license must be made three days before the ceremony because there is a 72-hour waiting period. The applicants are asked if they have previously been married. If so, they must show how the marriage ended, such as divorce.
Other than that, all they need is a birth certificate and Social Security card.
The license fee is $35, and the license must be signed by a Louisiana minister, justice of the peace or judge. The original is returned to the clerk's office.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
They Need 2 Beat Balloon Boys Azz & Make his folks pay up !
LaMar's World Mobile
We've Been Fooled Again. Made U Look !!
6-year-old Colorado boy floats away in balloon

I bet you thought I was making this up. White kids are doing way too much these days.
Officials are trying to rescue a 6-year-old boy who climbed into a balloon-like experimental aircraft built by his parents and floated into the sky over eastern Colorado.
Officials are trying to rescue a 6-year-old boy who climbed into a balloon-like experimental aircraft built by his parents and floated into the sky over eastern Colorado.
The aluminum-covered, dome-shaped balloon is 20 feet long and 5 feet high, the Larimer County
The structure at the bottom of the balloon that the boy is in is made of extremely thin plywood and won't withstand any kind of a crash at all," said Erik Nilsson, Larimer County Emergency Manager, according to CNN affiliate KMGH.
Federal Aviation Administration is trying to track the aircraft on radar and has notified the Denver International Airport. Shortly after noon (2 p.m. ET), the balloon was sighted two miles south of Evans.
CNN meteorologist Chad Myers estimated the wind would keep the vessel moving at 30 mph. Authorities say the craft is about 7,000 feet above the ground.
Kathy Davis, spokeswoman for the sheriff's department, said a dispatcher received a call Thursday morning, and emergency services personnel were contacted.
Davis said a balloon company had been contacted and several media outlets offered to help track the balloon with their helicopters.
The family has described the structure as a a dome-shaped "homemade flying saucer," Larimer County Sheriff's Office Spokeswoman Kathy Davis said.
"We're trying to determine the best course of action," Davis said. "This is a first and we'll do what we need to do."
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Rush Limbaugh Owning An NFL Team Would Be Like Modern Day Slavery

Rush Limbaugh is one of the most hate spewing people I've ever heard. The news of him even being considered to be allowed to purchase an NFL franchise makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Peep the entire story below.
The Rev. Al Sharpton has joined those imploring the National Football League to deny conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh the opportunity to buy the St. Louis Rams franchise.
In a letter sent to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell on Monday, Sharpton wrote that he was “disturbed” to hear about Limbaugh’s interest in the Rams and asked for a meeting with Goodell “to discuss the myriad of reasons as to why [Limbaugh] should not be given an opportunity” to purchase the team.
Sharpton argued that Limbaugh has been “anti-NFL” in his comments about several of the league’s players, specifically naming Philadelphia Eagles quarterbacks Michael Vick and Donovan McNabb. Limbaugh sparked controversy several years ago by contending that the media want McNabb to succeed simply because he is black.
In addition, Sharpton wrote that Limbaugh’s “recent statement — that the NFL was beginning to look like a fight between the Crips and the Bloods without the weapons — was disturbing.”
Limbaugh confirmed rumors last week that he and St. Louis Blues owner Dave Checketts are bidding for the Rams.
“Dave and I are part of a bid to buy the Rams, and we are continuing the process. But I can say no more because of a confidentiality clause in our agreement with Goldman Sachs,” Limbaugh said in a statement. “We cannot and will not talk about our partners. But if we prevail, we will be the operators of the team.”
In an e-mail to the union’s executive committee Saturday, Smith said that he and Goodell had spoken about Limbaugh’s potential bid and learned that “this ownership consideration is in the early stages.”
“But sport in America is at its best when it unifies, gives all of us reason to cheer, and when it transcends,” Smith wrote. “Our sport does exactly that when it overcomes division and rejects discrimination and hatred.”
Smith later told ESPN that the e-mail expressed “more about what we stand for than the reality of our role in any franchise sale.”
“While it’s true the subject matter was related [to Limbaugh’s bid], I do understand that the NFL does not present ownership bids to me or the NFLPA,” he told the sports news network. “I encourage our players to express their views.”
From: Politico
Monday, October 12, 2009
Police Beat Another Student. this Ish Has Got To End

Enter the link below to view the video of the beat down.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
I Think Marlon's Gonna Kill It

I always said he was the most overall talented of the Wayans clan. I think he's gonna gonna kill it.
Sources say that Wayans fought for the role, blowing the producers away with a 13- min screen test where he “transforms into Pryor.” The movie depicts Pryor’s controversial brand of comedy and his battle with drugs and is currently budgeted at $20 million. Chris Rock, Pryor’s widow Jennifer Lee Pryor and Mark Gordon are also lined up to produce. Producers are still working out the terms of Wayans’ deal, and other major aspects of the overall project have not been finalized. Sony did not respond to requests for comment.
From: EW
The Haters Came Out Quicker Than I Though On Pres. Obama

You'd think a U.S. president who won the Nobel Peace Prize might get rave reviews from his party's activists and polite congrats from top Republicans.
But news of Barack Obama's award Friday drew a rebuke from the Republican Party chairman, ridicule from conservative bloggers, and even gripes from some liberals who think he hasn't done enough to wind down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Top Democrats congratulated Obama, of course, but critics abounded on the left and right.
"What has President Obama actually accomplished?" said Michael Steele, chairman of the Republican National Committee.
"It is unfortunate that the president's star power has outshined tireless advocates who have made real achievements working towards peace and human rights."
There was praise from two Democrats who also have won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Former President Jimmy Carter, who won in 2002, called Obama's selection a "bold statement of international support for his vision and commitment."
And former Vice President Al Gore, who won two years ago, said Obama's prize was "extremely well deserved."
"I think that much of what he has accomplished already is going to be far more appreciated in the eyes of history, as it has been by the Nobel committee," Gore said.
And some Republicans had kind words, too. "Under any circumstance an appropriate response is to say congratulations," said Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty.
But GOP Rep. Gresham Barrett, who is running for governor of South Carolina, mocked Obama's prize. "I'm not sure what the international community loved best; his waffling on Afghanistan, pulling defense missiles out of Eastern Europe, turning his back on freedom fighters in Honduras, coddling Castro, siding with Palestinians against Israel, or almost getting tough on Iran," Barrett said.
Several commentators challenged the value of the Peace Prize, noting that Palestinian President Yasser Arafat shared it in 1994.
"What's Obama done?" asked Rick Moran in his blog on American Thinker, a strong advocate of Israel. "What peace has he negotiated? ... I suppose an organization that thought Yasser Arafat worthy of the same prize can't be taken seriously anyway. But they are."
Erick Erickson, writing on the conservative, suggested Obama won in part because he is black.
"I did not realize the Nobel Peace Prize had an affirmative action quota for it, but that is the only thing I can think of for this news," Erickson wrote. "There is no way Barack Obama earned it in the nominations period."
Obama himself said he felt humbled and undeserving, declaring in a Rose Garden statement: "I do not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments."
The reaction was only slightly warmer on some liberal Web sites, where some writers said Obama should end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan before being awarded such a prize.
To be sure, some groups and politicians gave Obama full-throated congratulations.
Global Zero, comprising political and military leaders from around the world, applauded Obama's award, which was "in part based on his leadership to achieve the elimination of nuclear weapons."
Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine, who chairs the Democratic National Committee, called the award "an affirmation of the fact that the United States has returned to its long-standing role as a world leader."
Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., chastised the GOP's Steele for his remarks, and noted that conservative activists had cheered when Obama failed last week to bring the 2016 Olympic Games to Chicago.
"I find it very very disappointing for the chairman of the Republican Party — after the cheers that went out when America lost the Olympics — to now be attacking our president, everyone's president in our country, at a time when he is being recognized on the world stage," Stabenow said.
Is "The Game" Making A Comeback ?
It’s official! New episodes of “The Game” have not only been picked up by BET, but they are reportedly already moving forward with the taping. Here’s what Drew Sidora–who’s hoping to reprise her role on the show–told the folks over at S2S:
“The show is getting picked up, so for people that have been petitioning and wondering, it is coming back to BET. So, hopefully, you will see me back,” Drew told S2S exclusively. “It is official. The deal has been done.”
“Right now, they’re just trying to figure out when it’s going to actually come back, as far as when we start filming the new episodes and things like that,” said Drew. “But BET has picked it up.”
“Everybody that petitioned—believe it or not—about the show getting cancelled, that is really what ultimately had BET even looking to pick it up,” she explained. “It was really dope. Everybody really loves the show and supports the show, so all I can say is keep watching.”
Who Says The Recession Is Over. Teacher Jacks Kids For Lunch Money

A Cason Lane Academy teacher accused of pocketing students’ lunch money was charged with theft under $500 Monday by Murfreesboro Police.Teacher Angela M. Strube, 30, of Sky Valley Trail in Smyrna was charged with theft of the money from her third grade students after an investigation by Detective Lt. Nathan McDaniel.McDaniel’s arrest warrant accused Strube of removing the lunch money from envelopes.
Murfreesboro City Schools’ spokeswoman Cheryl Harris said Strube was suspended without pay. She is a tenured teacher.Police spokesman Kyle Evans said the Murfreesboro City Schools system, not the children, was the victim because the teacher reported the children paid for the lunches.“She admitted to taking the school lunch money – just to pocket the money,”
Evans said.Principal Chad Fletcher reported money missing from the school lunches and Smart Card fund Sept. 14.Evans said the investigation about the Smart Card fund money remains open.“We are glad to make an arrest in this case,” Evans said. “Anytime you have an authority figure you trust stealing from the most vulnerable is a sad situation.”Strube is scheduled to answer the charge Nov. 30 in General Sessions Court.
Also, another school system employee was suspended without pay after being arrested during the weekend.Charles Michael Miller, 23, of Middleborough Court was charged Friday with maintaining a dwelling to sell drugs, felony possession of Ecstasy tables and marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia, Officer Matthew Roe reported.
He identified himself as a teacher at Northfield Elementary School.But Harris said Miller worked for the Extended School Program at Northfield and John Pittard elementary schools.“He is not a teacher,” Harris said.
No Romance Without Finance ?
People Can't Feed Their Famlies, and We're Looking For Water On The Moon ?!?
A pair of NASA spacecraft smashed into the moon at twice the speed of a bullet, as part of a mission aimed at blasting up signs of water ice.
Pictures of the impact zone were beamed back live to Earth, but the video imagery did not show any signs of a flash.
"It's hard to tell what we saw there," said Michael Bicay, director of science at NASA's Ames Research Center in California.
The first crash took place at 7:31 a.m. ET. That’s when an empty rocket that weighed 2.2 tons hit the crater Cabeus. It was expected to create a crater about 66 feet (20 meters) wide, which is half the length of an Olympic pool. The blast should have kicked up a plume of lunar debris about six miles (10 kilometers) high.
Scientists hoped an analysis of the debris would confirm the theory that water — a key resource if people are going to go back to the moon — is hidden below the barren moonscape.
Trailing behind the rocket was the lunar probe LCROSS, short for Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite and pronounced L-Cross. The LCROSS shepherding spacecraft sent Earth live pictures of the expected impact zone.
Visible-light images showed little sign of the debris plume, but Bicay noted that thermal imagery did produce evidence of a crash.
Just four minutes after the rocket stage hits the moon, the LCROSS spacecraft completed its own fatal plunge. Telescopes around the world — including the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope — aimed their cameras at the big event to capture views of the dust-up. The data collected during the double crash will be analyzed for weeks to come.
Bicay said it was too early to gauge how much debris was thrown up by the impact. If the analysis shows no signs of water, that would run counter to recent findings suggesting that lunar soil, also known as regolith, contains more water ice than previously thought.
However, Bicay said there could be other explanations for the absence of a water signal. For example, it may be that the water is unevenly distributed — even within the permanently shadowed polar craters that are thought to be the best prospects for ice mining. Bicay said LCROSS' scientists may have come across a situation familiar to Texas oil wildcatters.
"We may have hit a dry hole rather than a wet hole," he said.
From: MSN
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Accidental Bump Leads To Murder-Suicide

Moments later, McCaulla produced a knife and stabbed Gutierrez, who collapsed on the steps of a post office, the Post reported.
McCaulla fled the scene but was later tracked to Philadelphia, where he was found to have committed suicide, the Post said, having electrocuted himself in a bathtub by hugging a cable television box.
"This is the way I’m goin out rather go out in the hands of myself than another man sad to say," McCaulla wrote in a suicide note he posted on MySpace before taking his own life.
In it, McCaulla laments how his life turned out: "I tried my best to be the best father I can be but it still seemed to go wrong I couldn’t even win at losing."
And he wrote that he wasn't looking for a fight.
"I had just got off the bus from new jersey didn't have a worry," McCaulla wrote. "Was just tryin to make it home to see my daughter..." McCaulla went on to say that he "didn't mean to kill" Gutierrez.
New Study Finds More Gays On Network TV

The increase over 2008 fell well short of the more than twofold percentage jump in the '08 season compared to 2007, according to the group.
And on mainstream cable channels the number of such characters continued to drop, slipping from a total of 32 in 2008 to 25 this year. The 2007 tally was 40.
Two channels that program for gay viewers, here! and Logo, add 27 gay characters to the cable total, GLAAD said.
The 14th annual "Where We Are on TV" report released Wednesday found that 3 percent of actors appearing regularly on network drama and comedy series in the 2009-10 season will portray gay, lesbian or bisexual characters.
That's up from 2.6 percent in the 2008-09 season. In 2007-08, it was 1.1 percent.
Only four of the 18 characters this season are nonwhite, GLAAD found, and there is only one lesbian, on ABC's "Grey's Anatomy."
Using information provided by ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC and CW, the group reviewed 79 scripted series announced to air this season.
The steady increase in gay characters is promising, as are story lines that are becoming "more reflective of current issues affecting our lives," GLAAD President Jarrett Barrios said in a statement.
Fair, accurate images of gay couples marrying, raising families and contributing to their communities help fellow Americans "come to accept and better understand" their gay family members and neighbors, he said.
Examples cited by GLAAD include a gay couple marrying on ABC's "Brothers & Sisters" and a gay police officer on NBC's "Southland" — a rare character for a crime drama.
ABC led the networks in gay representation, with 5 percent or eight characters out of 160, followed by Fox with four out of 104 (4 percent).
CBS lacked a single gay or bisexual part, the report said. The network, which has gay cast members on its reality series and daytime shows, declined comment.
Speaking to TV critics this summer, CBS programming chief Nina Tassler said the network has a commitment to diversity, including gay representation, and intended to improve.