Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Only In America. The "Sue Happy" Capital Of The World

Only here can u sue a college if you don't get a job after graduation. Did she ever think that it's a recession or maybe her interview skills are wack ?
She went to college to boost her chances of finding a great job once she got out of school, but now that that hasn't happened, Trina Thompson wants her money back.

Thompson, a graduate of Monroe College, is suing her school for the $70,000 she spent on tuition because she hasn't found solid employment since receiving her bachelor's degree in April, according to a published report.

The business-oriented school in the Bronx didn't do enough to help her find a job, Thompson alleges, so she wants a refund. The college says it does plenty for grads.

The 27-year-old information-technology student accuses the school's Office of Career Advancement for not living up to its end of the deal and offering her the leads and employment advice it promised
They have not tried hard enough to help me," the beleaguered Bronx resident wrote in her lawsuit, filed July 24 in Bronx Supreme Court.

Thompson's mother is proud of her daughter for completing her college education, but acknowledges Trina is upset that all her high hopes haven't panned out.

The mother and daughter live together, but Trina's mother, Carol, is a substitute teacher and the only one of the two who makes any money. They're barely scraping enough together to get by, reports the Post.

On top of her unemployment woes, Trina now faces mounting debt from student loans.
"This is not the way we want to live our life," her mom told the paper. "This is not what we planned."

Monroe defends its career-advice programs and is adamant that its staff assists young professionals in their careers.

"The lawsuit is completely without merit," school spokesman Gary Axelbank told the Post. "The college prides itself on the excellent career-development support that we provide to each of our students, and this case does not deserve further consideration."

On the school's Web site, the career program boasts that it provides free services for graduates at any point in their lives.
From: NY Post

Man Catches Beat Down From Wife, Girlfriend, And Side Piece

Man down, Pimp in distress. Code 10 situation.If you see these 3 white women, RUN !! A Wisconsin man paid the ultimate price when the 3 women he was sleeping with caught up with him. Damn shame what they did with the Krazy Glue

A cheating husband became the victim of a fitting revenge when three women he had been sleeping with super-glued his genitals to his stomach.

The Wisconsin man’s wife allegedly choreographed the attack after she discovered he had been cheating with as many as five other women, the Daily Mail reports.

She told three of the women they had all been sleeping with the same man, and together they decided to take action.

While the man's wife stayed behind, three of the women lured the married father to a motel in Chilton, Wisconsin with the promise of a massage.

Police say the man voluntarily allowed himself to be tied him to a bed before his underpants were cut with scissors.

The women reportedly taunted him as they glued his genitals to his stomach.
Police in the US state arrested the three women, but are still searching for the man’s wife who disappeared after the assault.

The man is currently recovering in hospital.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sisqo Had A Baby With A 14 Year Old ?! Wait, Sisqo Likes Girls !?

Wow. This R.Kelly stuff is going around huh ? A 14 year old Sisqo ? C'mom man, really ?
Sisqo must pay child support for a nine-year-old boy he is believed to have fathered in 1999.Although no DNA tests were performed, a Zurich district court has come to the opinion that Sisqo is the "presumed father," reports the Basler Zeitung newspaper.
According to the mother, who's black and lives in Switzerland, she and her friends met Sisqo while he was performing with Dru Hill at a concert in Zurich in 1999."
After the concert Sisqo was [standing] with his band at the bar, we went over and talked to them," she said. "Then everything went very fast."After their one night stand, she soon learn she was pregnant. She was 14; he was 20.When the child was six, she contacted Sisqo via his Web site and e-mailed him a photo of the little boy.
She said Sisqo remembered who she was, but didn't acknowledge the child.Legal proceedings then began.The newspaper reports that Sisqo ignored repeated requests to take a paternity test.Now after six years in court, "without the [one] hundred percent security of a paternity test", Sisqo has been presumed the father of the 9-year-old boy and was ordered to pay support.It may be difficult for the mother to collect, though. She told the newspaper what she really wants is for her son to have a relationship with his father.

Folks Are Really Getting Out Hand. Reporter Calls The 1st Lady A Female Dog

This redneck to your left is waaaaay out of pocket. Calls 1St Lady a "Female Dog", and hes' a "Christian" radio host.

Here's what he had to say about her, and a few other quotes from him...

Take Michelle Obama...please. Every time I turn around, there she is on a magazine cover. Now, normally, like the Mafia, I lay off the spouses, but inasmuch as this particular spouse attended the same racist church as her hubby for 20 years, I'll make an exception in her case. After all, in spite of the fact that affirmative action got her an Ivy League degree and a $7,000-a-week salary and, moreover, has sent billions of dollars for no particularly good reason to Africa, she insists this is a mean country. The burning question in my circle is: if the First Family gets a female dog, will she be the First Bitch or will she have to settle for second place?

Ah, Christian-sponsored humor. That's not just funny. That's Jesus funny.
Weird that Burt Prelutsky doesn't work more. Because that "take my wife... please" bit is also pure dynamite. Must be ageism.

Naturally, the left-wing media is now trying to convince us that this James Brown-look-alike has all the allure, glamour and fashion sense of Jackie Kennedy.

She's not pretty, for heaven's sakes! She's black! She's a black bitch!
You can read the rest at Townhall. The Internet home of culture warriors Dennis Prager, Bill Bennett and Michael Medved.

(Who have all, by the way, written about Barack Obama's horrible, shocking association with that racist hatemonger Jeremiah Wright. Who called America an ugly black bitch. Oh wait, he didn't.)

They've also all written columns bemoaning how angry and mean liberal humor is.)

If you read Burt Prelutsky's columns, you'll see that he isn't a racist; he just has a lot of thoughts -- I mean a lot -- about how black people should behave. If Langston Hughes had talked about black people as much at Burt Prelutsky does, someone would have told him to sit down.

Here's another Burt Prelutsky column from Townhall:

If we were a racist society, Oprah Winfrey, your fairy godmother, certainly wouldn't be a billionaire; she'd be fetching someone's mint julep. And Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice wouldn't grow up to be secretaries of state; they'd be sweeping out the stables. And Will Smith and Denzel Washington wouldn't be movie stars; they'd be in the fields picking cotton.

That's awfully big of us, letting Denzel Washington rise so high above his station. Thanks, Burt. Thanks Townhall. (Cross-posted with Stormfront.)

The executive editor of Townhall is Hugh Hewitt. His current column is about how terribly offended he was when Barack Obama made a joke about the Special Olympics:

We should hope President Obama makes more than apology. We should hope he makes good.
By getting me a julep.

Now, if there's one thing I hate worse that playing gotcha with a joke that goes wrong, it's using guilt-by-association and high dudgeon to score cheap political points. But I gotta ask:
Should we hope Hugh Hewitt apologizes for publishing sad old Burt Prelutsky?

How should he make good?

Oh, the Christian broadcasters who own Townhall, the site that says Michelle Obama is a bitch and Will Smith is lucky he's not picking cotton is Salem Communications. Go here to tell hem how you feel about this guy.........http://www.salem.cc/contactUs.aspx

From: Huffington Post